Patient’s Information

Understanding the need for DEXA Technology™

Let’s start by understanding your bone health!

There are many things that can affect the strength and health of our bones. Genetic abnormalities might lead to bones being too thin or too dense. Not getting the right nutrients can make our bones weak and poorly mineralized. Hormonal issues can also have an impact. In addition, not moving around enough, being stuck in one place for too long, and smoking can all make our bones weaker.

So, If you need surgery…

In the event of needing surgery, the physician may ask for a DEXA (Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) Scan to figure out your bone density level (T-Score)


Did you know?

Did you know that you may be denied surgery depending on your T-Score results and the physician’s criteria? Here are some of the reasons why:

1. Bone Fragility:

  • Increased Risk of Fractures: Osteopenia and osteoporosis cause bones to be weaker and more prone to fractures. During surgery, especially orthopedic procedures or surgeries involving bones (like hip or spine surgery), there’s a higher risk of fractures, either during the operation or in the recovery phase.

2. Implant Stability:

  • Challenges with Implants: If the surgery involves the placement of implants, such as screws, rods, or joint replacements, the weakened bone structure may struggle to hold the implant securely, potentially leading to complications like implant loosening or failure.

Over the past decades, physicians have had to rely on certain implants developed for people with good bone density. A “one size fits all” approach.


That’s why we developed

The only implants in the world that match your bone density!

This technology mimics the structure of your bone and uses titanium to provide a safe and stable fusion between your bone and the implant.

“ONE SIZE FITS ALL” might work for your cozy blanket with sleeves, but not for your bone!

Patient’s First!

Purpose Driven!

Living with osteopenia or osteoporosis is already complex and limiting. Our commitment is to simplify the complex by considering the patient when developing new technologies that fit your anatomy rather than making your anatomy fit our implants.

Check out this animation!

It will help you understand more about DEXA Technology™.

DEXA Technology™ is the “umbrella” term for various implants and solutions covering spinal and orthopedic demands. Each one has a name branded like this:

DEXA-C™ for cervical cages

DEXA-A™ for Anterior lumbar interbody implant

Aurora Spine & Pain is working hard to introduce more solutions for different parts of the body, and we expect to do so soon. Follow us to stay up to date!

Ask your doctor today about DEXA Technology™!

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