“For many years orthopedic implants were developed for patients with good bone stock. Recently it has become clear that these implants have a decreased performance when implanted in bone with low density, such as in osteoporosis. Reduced performance in osteoporotic bone is not unexpected because of the reduced quality of the peri-implant bone and the reduced bone-implant contact area.”
*COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSES OF SMALL ENDOSSEOUS IMPLANTS IN OSTEOPOROTIC BONE - A.J. Wirth1 , R. Müller1 , and G.H. van Lenthe1, 2,* 1 Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 2 Division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design, K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium - AJ Wirth et al. Analyses of small endosseous implants in osteoporotic bone - European Cells and Materials Vol. 20 2010 (pages 58-71) DOI: 10.22203/eCM.v020a06
What’s your T-Score?
DEXA Technology™ is designed to create implants that match a patient’s bone density, and promote bone in-growth while maintaining the biomechanical structure and bone support.
Patented DEXA Technology™
What are DEXA Technology™ implants? Color-coded orthopedic and spinal implants built with unique internal structures based on a DEXA Scan/T-score of patients allowing for the best bone fusion treatment and most favorable outcome based on that patient’s bone density.
Aurora Spine’s new DEXA Technology™ will provide surgeons with additional solutions in selecting the right implant for their patients to overcome common osteoporosis challenges faced in traditional surgical treatments.